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Headteacher Newsletter No.439

17th March 2025
Headteacher Newsletter No.439

Dear parents,

Please read on for details about Comic Relief, Parents’ Evening, FOWV events, Walking Bus Week, Family Learning Courses, Easter Camps, Holi Bunting, Achieve With Me, the Science Fair and The Big Sing.

Coming Up…

Comic Relief

This Friday, we will be supporting Comic Relief. Children are invited to come to school in non-uniform for a £1 donation. Donations can be made at drop-off and collection times on Friday. Optional Comic Relief accessories are also welcome. Let's come together to raise money for this fantastic cause. If your child usually has PE on this day, they can still wear non-uniform as long as their clothes enable them to take part in sporting activity. Thank you.

Comic Relief Red Nose Day 2024

Y11 PARENTS' EVENING BOOKING SYSTEM NOW OPEN: Year 11 Parents' Evening  Wednesday 8th January 2025 [4pm – 7pm] – Park Vale

Parents’ Evening coming up

Parents' Evening is just around the corner, taking place next week. Please remember to sign up via the recent Ping message for your appointment slot to discuss your child's progress with their teacher. We look forward to seeing you there.

Friends of Woodland View events coming up...

Between now and the end of term we have a few events taking place.

Mother's Day Gifts

Happy Mother's Day- banner - Charleston Wrap

The first one is Mother’s Day and bookings are already live on our website. If you would like your child(ren) to make a personalised gift for that special person then please click on this link to order. Bookings close on Wednesday 19th at 5pm (only 2 days away!) and unfortunately we are unable to take any late requests as this event relies on parents going into school to create the gift with the children.

Cinema Club

Cholsey Cinema Club - My Community Cinema

Cinema Club is on Monday 31st March and bookings for this are now open. The films will be:

  • Reception - Puss in Boots
  • Year 1 - Despicable Me 3
  • Year 2 & 3 - Shrek
  • Y5 and Y6 - Super Mario Bros 

Bookings for cinema club close at 5pm on Sunday 30th March
Bookings for Mothers Day and Cinema Club can be made here

Easter Egg Tombola

2020 Easter Egg Tombola | Kingfishers Swimming Club

To end the term we will be hosting an Easter Egg Tombola on Thursday 3rd April after school. In exchange for the children wearing their own clothes on Friday 28th March. We just ask for an Easter sweet treat donation. 

If you have any questions, want to be kept up to date with the latest information or you are able to volunteer at any of these events, please join our FOWV whatsapp community (, our Facebook page or email us at

Thank you, and we look forward to some successful events in the coming weeks.

Walking Bus Week

To help alleviate congestion around the school entrance, we are having a Walking Bus Week during the week beginning 31st March. This is for parents who live outside of Grange Park. You can drop your child off at a meeting point opposite the Co-op car park between 8:30-8:40am during this week, and school staff will accompany them on a safe walk to school. Look out for a ping with sign-up details coming soon. We hope this will have a positive impact on the school run and make it safer for everyone.

Stoke Mandeville Combined School - Park Away Day and Walking School Bus

Wiltshire Family Learning Courses to Help Parents

Family Learning Courses

We recently shared the news that we have been doing some work with North Northants in the hope that we can provide some useful family learning courses. Our aim is to provide FREE courses to Woodland View parents, held at school, that are helpful and easy to access. The response we had from parents was fantastic with many indicating interest in all of the courses shared in our communication!

We are now working with North Northants to arrange the first course. We will be in touch soon with the details to sign up if you would like to take part.   


Easter Camps

Over the Easter holidays we are offering two camps for the children:

  • Craft Barn - 7th and 8th April. Details were shared via Ping recently. We have had many sign up so far!
  • Freestyle Sport - 14th and 15th April. This camp is open for all children. The children will receive a short taster session on Wednesday to find out more about this camp opportunity. Please book via and scroll down to the Woodland View Camp option.

Easter Holidays – Kintore Way Nursery School and Children's Centre

Recent News...

Holi Bunting

To celebrate the vibrant Holi festival, our Diversity Lead, Miss Drake, organised some exciting activities for the children last week. This included creating beautiful Holi-themed bunting, created by the children, which will be displayed on the playground this week. We hope you and your children enjoy this colourful display.

Free and customizable happy holi templates

Achieve With Me

Last week we opened school up to all parents through our Achieve With Me sessions. It was great to see so many parents and family members coming into school to take part in some wider curriculum sessions with their children. The children loved sharing their learning, and we hope you gained a better insight into your child’s curriculum. Many thanks for supporting this initiative!  

Science Fair - success

We are thrilled to share the outstanding success of the recent Science Fair at Caroline Chisholm School! Thirty children from Years 5 and 6 participated, showcasing their incredible scientific curiosity and presentation skills. The effort put in by all was truly remarkable, and we are especially proud to share that one of our pupils was awarded first place in the Y5/6 category. Congratulations to everyone involved!

The Big Sing

Last Thursday, our Y5/6 choir members took part in The Big Sing at The Derngate Theatre. It was a night full of songs of celebration as the HUGE Big Sing choir (with children from 13 schools) took the audience on a journey through different cultural events moving through each of the seasons. We had an amazing time and were extremely proud of our children who at first were a little stunned to be one of the front row schools! It is always amazing to see so many children enjoying their singing and this year was no exception. Our children made us proud in every possible way. We hope that they enjoyed it as much as the staff did!


You can see even more recent action from school via our blog pages on the school website. Please take a look via this link 

Key Dates

Friday 21st March - Comic Relief - details above
Tuesday 25th & Thursday 27th March - Parents’ Evening for FS-Y5 (appointments shared on Ping)
Wednesday 26th March - Brass Concert for parents of 5SB - in school at 1.45pm
Friday 28th March - MUFTI Day in return for Easter Egg Tombola contributions 
Week beginning Monday 31st March - Walking Bus Week - details above and sign-up to follow
Monday 31st March - Cinema Club for all classes - 3.15-5pm
Tuesday 1st April - Y1 Performance in school - 5.40pm arrival, 6pm start
Thursday 3rd April - Easter Egg Tombola - after school
Thursday 3rd April - Y5 Performance in school - 5.40pm arrival, 6pm start
Friday 4th April - term finishes
Tuesday 22nd April - Summer term begins


Many thanks,

Mark Horsley
