Headteacher Newsletter 438

Dear parents,
Please read on for information about our new Value, last term's awards assembly, World Book Day, Achieve With Me sessions, Family Learning Courses and Key Dates.
New Term - New Value
As we begin a new tem, we focus on a new School Value.This term it’s HONESTY. In assembly on Monday, I discussed some of the ways in which children can demonstrate honesty this term. This included having the courage to share our views when we think it’s important to do so. It’s not always easy giving our opinions, especially if we think they may differ from others’. However, I’m hoping the children are able to show this trait - be brave and be honest!
Values Awards Assembly
At the end of last term we celebrated our Cooperation Value with our special termly Values Awards Assembly. Please select the link below to see some of the action, including our winners!
World Book Day - Friday 7th March
Next Friday is World Book Day and we would love the children to come to school dressed up as their favourite character from any story or non-fiction book. This could include; The Gruffalo, Alex Rider, a Dinosaur, Percy the Park Keeper, The Iron Man or Neil Armstrong - the options are endless. It is always a great addition if children are able to bring in a copy of the book that their character appears in to share with their classmates.
Here are some low-cost dressing up ideas:
For more information, please see the communication sent out yesterday via School Ping.
Achieve With Me - week beginning 10th March - 2.30-3pm
This is a reminder that our Achieve With Me sessions are fast approaching. If you are able to come along, please arrive at the front of school by 2.30pm on your allotted day. If you have more than one child in the same session, we will be able to facilitate you being with them both/all - just let us know on arrival.
Monday 10th March (Y1&Y3)
Tuesday 11th March (Y2&Y4)
Wednesday 12th March (FS)
Thursday 13th March (no session)
Friday 14th March (Y5&6)
We hope to see many of you there!
Family Learning Courses
I am pleased to share that we have been doing some work with North Northants in the hope that we can provide some useful family learning courses. Our aim is to provide FREE courses to Woodland View families, held at school, that are helpful and easy to access. Soon, we will be sharing a Ping message to allow parents to indicate which ones are of interest - so please look out for this.
A brief summary of the courses is outlined here:
Family Resilience:
Gain useful information and strategies to help support your family, and yourself, with life’s challenges. Topics include: what is resilience, the brain under stress, self-confidence and self esteem, changing thinking and using language to promote resilience.
An Introduction to Neurodiversity for Parents:
Find out about neurodiversity and how to support your child. Topics include: an introduction to neurodiversity, understanding the diagnosis process, communicating with professionals and school, ways to support at home and looking after yourself.
Family Language (for parents with English as a second language):
Develop your English skills and find out how to support your child at school. Topics include: school routines, supporting reading, phonics, spelling, National Curriculum, healthy eating and online safety.
Support your Child’s Learning – English:
Find out how to help your child with English. Topics include: encouraging reading, writing skills, terminology used by children, spelling, phonics and the National Curriculum.
Support your Child’s Learning – Maths:
Find out how to help your child with maths. Topics include: how maths is taught in schools today, basic maths functions, timetables, 2D and 3D shapes and money.
123 Magic:
Using a tried and tested programme, learn how to stop your child’s challenging behaviour, promote positive behaviour and strengthen family relationships.
We have received some complaints recently from local residents regarding their driveways being blocked by parked cars during drop-off and collection times. If you must drive to school, please be respectful and courteous to our school community by not parking in front of driveways so that residents are able to leave their homes when they need to.
To further support the work we are doing on reducing traffic congestion outside of school, we will be having a Walking Bus Week later in the term. This will enable parents who do not live in Grange Park to drop their children at a local point, away from school, so that they can join a walking bus (led by staff) and walk safely to school. More information, including how you can sign up for the walking bus, will be shared soon.
Key Dates
Week beginning Monday 3rd March - Storytelling Week
Monday 3rd - Wednesday 5th March - Year 6 Residential
Friday 7th March - World Book Day (including dress-up!)
Week beginning Monday 10th March - Achieve With Me - parent visits to school - 2.30-3pm
Monday (Y1&Y3) Tuesday (Y2&Y4) Wednesday (FS) Friday (Y5&6)
Tuesday 11th March - Science Fair after school at CCS (some Y5/6 pupils attending)
Thursday 13th March - The Evening Big Sing at the Derngate - Y5/6 Choir
Friday 21st March - Red Nose Day - details to follow
Tuesday 25th & Thursday 27th March - Parents’ Evening for FS-Y5 (appointments to be shared soon)
Wednesday 26th March - Brass Concert for parents of 5SB - in school at 1.45pm
Friday 28th March - MUFTI Day in return for Easter Egg Tombola contributions (details to follow)
Week beginning Monday 31st March - Walking Bus Week - details to follow
Monday 31st March - Cinema Club for all classes - 3.15-5pm
Thursday 3rd April - Easter Egg Tombola - after school
Friday 4th April - term finishes
Tuesday 22nd April - Summer term begins
Many thanks,