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Headteacher Newsletter 424

Dear parents, please read on for the latest news and information on special events coming up for your child!

D.I.S.C.O - book tickets for next Tuesday!

If you haven’t booked your child’s place yet, please visit and get them to the Disco! We have our professional entertainer to keep the children entertained, drinks and a snack for each child. Volunteers and staff will be on-hand to support and supervise the children - and maybe do a bit of dancing too! 
We have lowered the cost of a ticket from last year to support all of our families, especially those with more than one child at school.
All children need to be collected at the end of the event (including Years 5&6).
We look forward to a fun event with the children!


Science Week - week beginning 3rd June 

When the children return after half-term, it’s Science Week! Our Science Leads, Mrs Hodgson and Miss Brahimaj, have been busy preparing some inspiring, enjoyable and thought-provoking experiences for the children. They will have opportunities to take part in challenges, quizzes and be part of an event in school. Please look out for Science-themed school blogs at the end of Science Week!


Theatre Group Visit - We'll soon be seeing the Wizard...

On June 11th, all children in school will be treated to a visit by a stage company performing a special show in our school hall, The Wizard of Oz! The school has been able to secure this exciting event due to the financial contributions of the Friends of Woodland View, so thank you to all of you for your support at our FoWV events throughout the year - the money you spend really does provide fantastic opportunities for our children! They are sure to be entertained and inspired by this fantastic event!


Performing Arts Soirée - June 20th

Our Performing Arts Soirée show is not too far away! We are anticipating 160 children from school taking part from Years 2-6, and if your child is involved, you will receive a Ping with an invitation letter and some details of the event. Please read and respond to this soon as tickets are likely to sell quickly.

The children taking part have been in performing arts clubs such as choirs, drama groups and dance troupes for much of the year, and this special event enables all of those children to perform in a great venue, to a big audience and show the fruits of their hard work! Those parents who came last year will be able to verify what a high standard event this is for primary aged children, and how entertaining and inclusive it is too.
We cannot wait to put on a great show for all the family and friends coming!

Sports Day

This is an early reminder that our Sports Days will be taking place after half-term. 
Foundation Stage - Thursday 27th June - 9-10.15am
Years 1&2 - Thursday 27th June - 10.15am-12.15pm
Years 3&4 - Friday 28th June - 12.50-3.10pm
Years 5&6 - Friday 28th June - 9-11.30am
Sports Day will follow the same format as last year whereby children will compete in their phases, representing their team of either Conservation, Culture, Conflict or Communication, in a range of sports, including optional showcase races too.
Please get the above dates on your calendars!

Sporting Success

We have had more sporting success in recent weeks. Our Year 6 NFL team (American Football) took part in a County-wide competition and finished victorious! Therefore, they have qualified for the East Midlands Regional Event in Leicester which will take place next month.

Our Y6 Girls Netball Team recently participated in the County Finals after winning their District competition. Out of the best 15 Netball Teams in the County, our school reached the final and finished runners-up.

Well done to all the children and staff involved in representing our school at such a high standard!


Returning Lost Property - it’s the NAME of the game!

We have accumulated a vast amount of lost property this term. We have indoor and outdoor lost property boxes which our Year 6 Monitors sort through every few weeks. However, we have been unable to return most of the lost property to children because so much of it is unnamed. We will continue to provide pre-loved uniform sales so that you can purchase cheap uniforms, but please remember to NAME your child’s uniform so that we can return it to your child if it is misplaced. Thank you.

School Blogs

For more news on what is happening in your child’s class, please check out the school blogs page at


Key dates

Friday 17th May - Year 1 Trip to Northampton Museum
Monday 20th May - Year 5 Performance - 6pm 
Tuesday 21st May - FOWV School Discos (details above)
Wednesday 22nd May - Year 3 Performance - 6pm
Friday 24th May - Year 6 trip to Drayton Manor
Friday 24th May - School closes for half-term
Monday 3rd June - School reopens 
Week beginning Monday 3rd June - Science Week in school
Wednesday 5th June - Year 3 trip to Cadbury World
Tuesday 11th June - Theatre Company in school  
Thursday 20th June - Performing Arts Soirée - Evening show at Spinney Theatre (Y2-Y6 invite only)
Sunday 23rd June - Year 5&6 Strictly Finals - 6pm at the Derngate
Monday 24th June - FOWV Cinema Club after school - FS-Year 6 (more details to follow)
Thursday 27th and Friday 28th June - Sports Days (details above)
Thursday 4th July - Year 3 Strings Concert in school for parents - 2pm
Friday 5th July - Mufti-day for the Summer Fayre Tombola (more details to follow)
Week beginning Monday 8th July - Summer Open View sessions (details to follow)
Monday 8th July - Foundation Stage Graduation - 6pm
Friday 12th July - Summer Fayre - 3.15-5pm
Thursday 18th July - Year 6 Leavers’ Performance for parents - 6pm
Friday 19th July - School closes for Summer

Many thanks,
Mark Horsley