Identifying sentence components
Over the past few weeks, we have been deepening our understanding of verbs, subjects and how together they make a full independent clause. We have now begun to consider what happens when there are any other parts to the sentence (in this case, we are calling them leftovers, but we know that these may be adverbials, or they may add more to the noun).
Earlier this week, we worked together to analyse the words in front of us, identify the verb and the subject before deciding which clause any leftovers belong to. To help us, we used these specific questions which were part of our success criteria.
- What’s the first verb?
- Who (verb) /what (verb)?
- So, …is the subject.
- What’s the next verb?
- Who (verb) /what (verb)?
- So, …is the subject.
- Have we labelled everything?
- No! That’s because we have some leftovers
- Do the ‘leftovers’ belong to the red clause or the blue clause?
- Tell me when …stops…
- So, what am I going to place here?
Because it's a full independent clause with a subject and a verb, so I place a full stop at the end and then go back and add a capital letter.
We use two colours to identify when there is a new independent clause.
Today, we moved on to looking at a complete paragraph, following the same system, which made things trickier! The children have made great strides in deepening their grammatical understanding!