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School Performance Data

This is a high achieving school with attainment and progress data consistently in the top 20% of all schools. There were no statutory tests in 2020 or 2021. See below for data for 2023.

a) KS2 School & National Data 2023 and 2024


Expected Standard Reading Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Writing Maths Combined Reading, Writing & Maths
  Test % Test % Teacher
Assessment %
Test % %
National 2023 73 72 71 73 59
WVPS 2023 83 85 85 78 71
National 2024 74 72 72 73 61
WVPS 2024 87 90 87 87 80

Higher Attainment Reading Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Writing Maths Combined Reading, Writing & Maths
  Test % Test % Teacher
Assessment %
Test % %
National 2023 29 30 13 24  
WVPS 2023 39 25 25 37 14
National 2024          
WVPS 2024 30 55 25 42 10

Scaled Score Average Reading Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Writing Maths
  Test Test Teacher

National 2023

105 105   104

WVPS 2023

106 107   106
National 2024 105 105   104
WVPS 2024 107 110



Progress (KS1-2) 

*Note - No data due to COVID till 2026
Progress Score (confidence interval) Reading Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Writing Maths
  Test Test Teacher

b) KS1 School Data 2023

Teacher Assessment
(National 2023)
Reading Writing Maths
At or Greater 78% (68%) 80% (60%) 78% (70%)
Greater 27% (19%) 22% (8%) 23% (16%)

c) Phonics School Data 2023

Phonics Screening
2016 2017 2018 2019 2022 2023
Expected Level 81% 81% 82% 82% 75% 79%
WVPS 86% 85% 87% 85% 83% 84%

d) FS School Data 2023

Good Level
2016 2017 2018 2019 2023
WVPS 72% 75% 75% 73% 74%

For all published school data, and to compare results with other schools, click here.