Headteacher Newsletter 435
Dear parents, please read on for information about this term's Value and Curriculum 'C', Walk to School Week, Friends of Woodland View and key dates.
Happy New Year!
It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school this week. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas break! We begin 2025 with our new school value ‘Cooperation’ and our curriculum ‘C’ Communication.
Cooperation is so much more than just working or playing together; it means sharing ideas, compromising and being flexible. We want our children to develop the ability to balance their own needs with someone else’s. By developing cooperation skills, it can become a natural response, shaping children into well-rounded individuals capable of navigating all the challenges of life.
Technology continues to change at a rapid pace and therefore our focus on Communication enables children to discover how the current technological world we live in came to be, and what the future may hold for them. Many of our families have jobs that directly link to the content in our Communication themes therefore this learning is significant for the children and their aspirations for future employment.
For more information on our school curriculum and overall ethos, please visit our Overall Curriculum page on our website https://www.wvps.northants.sch.uk/page/?title=An+Overview+of+the+WHOLE+Curriculum+at+Woodland+View&pid=119
Walk to School Week - starting Monday!
What is it?
Walk to School Week is a national initiative led by Living Streets (https://www.livingstreets.org.uk/) aimed at promoting key messages around children walking to school rather than travelling by car. At Woodland View we will be holding our own Walk to School Week next week.
All children will be given a ‘Magic of Walking’ booklet to take home at the end of this week. Then, when children walk to school next week, there will be a Walking Team at 3 different Sticker Checkpoints outside the front of school. When children pass a checkpoint, they will receive a sticker for their booklet. The Walking Teams will have a member of staff and some Year 6 helpers all wearing hi-vis so they will be easy to spot! They will be in position from 8.35am.
When is it?
Next Monday (13th January) until Friday.
Why are we doing it?
We want to promote the many benefits of walking to school, which will be detailed in the children’s booklets, however, our main priority is to highlight the importance of reducing traffic congestion outside of school and having a school environment where families can feel safe.
Who is involved?
All children in school are involved in this initiative.
How can you help?
We are hoping you can help remind children of the benefits of walking to school and help them to remember to bring their ‘Magic of Walking’ booklets each day!
What if I live outside of Grange Park?
You are the most important people in this initiative! If you must drive to school, we are asking you to park in a safe place within Grange Park and walk a few minutes to school. By doing this, then our school environment would be significantly safer as we would decrease the risk of a traffic incident because of fewer cars being on the adjacent roads to the school entrance.
What if my child has a morning club?
Many of our children attend morning clubs in school or go to Woodys at the Community Centre. If this is the case for your child, and they have still walked to school, they will miss the checkpoints but they can still receive a sticker from their teacher when school begins.
Can my child ride their bike or scooter to school?
Yes, this will count towards getting a daily sticker.
I hope you all support our initiative in making our local area less congested and safer.
Friends of Woodland View Annual General Meeting - Tuesday 14th January at 6.30pm
The Friends of Woodland View volunteer group are a vital part of our school community as they provide the children with many special events, and raise important funds for the school which pay for fantastic resources, facilities and opportunities.
The AGM is next Tuesday at 6.30pm at school, and during the meeting we will review the success of the FOWV over the past 12 months and look towards future plans. All parents are invited (whether you are part of the Friends of Woodland View or not). So if you would like to attend the meeting then please do come along. If you have any questions, then you can contact our Chair, Bex, at friendsofwoodlandview@gmail.com
Later in the week we will be sending a Ping communication giving you more information about the Friends of Woodland View and an opportunity to join the volunteer group - so please look out for it!
Key Dates
Tuesday 7th-Thursday 9th January - Life Education sessions in school
Monday 13th January - Walk to School Week begins
Tuesday 14th January - Friends of Woodland Annual General Meeting - 6.30pm at school
Monday 20th January - Residential meeting for Y6 parents - 6pm at school
Tuesday 4th & Thursday 6th February - Y6 Parents’ Evening
Thursday 13th February - FOWV Valentines Cake Sale - after school
Friday 14th February - term ends
Many thanks,
Mark Horsley