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Headteacher Newsletter 427

Dear parents, please read on for the latest Woodland View news, including Election Day, Summer Reading Challenge, the School Website and Parent Survey.

After school today is the annual Summer Fayre. The forecast is currently dry (fingers crossed it stays this way!) but we do have an indoor back-up plan if we have lots of rain. Whatever the weather, the Fayre will go ahead!

For games, refreshments and summer fun, please do come along! Our wonderful Friends of Woodland View, staff team and Year 6 helpers will be on-hand to help the event run smoothly. And, of course, all money raised goes to the school.

To purchase a wristband (optional) for your child which gives them ongoing access to the games, excluding the tombola, then please go to or purchase one at the Fayre.

Last Thursday was a big day for the whole country - The General Election. Everyone had the opportunity to exercise their right to vote, including the children at WVPS. Our studio learning space became our polling station, equipped with designated voting booths, voting cards and ballot boxes. The scene was set earlier that week with a whole school assembly, informing the children of the origins and processes that take place during a general election. Within classes, the children debated the pros and cons for a range of different voting options relating to a school treat or a contribution to charity, evaluating whether they should vote for personal gain or for the greater good of others. It was a fantastic learning experience for the children which also helped them to make sense of what was happening in the grown-up world around them.

The children are bursting with excitement to find out the result! This will be shared today!

This week we had two special visitors in school, Jussy and Maureen from Wootton Public Library. They led an assembly, talking to the children about their summer reading challenge.

Hopefully by now, Mrs Matsangou has successfully illuminated all of the reasons why getting our children reading, frequently, is so important. Completing a reading challenge is a great way to motivate your child to continue such a valuable habit. 

We will be celebrating everyone who gets involved upon our return to school in September. Mrs Matsangou has also extended the challenge to all members of the WVPS team - we like to practise what we preach.

Please see the leaflet which was attached to yesterday's School Ping Bulletin. 


A Wealth of Information

Our school website is your one-stop-shop for all things Woodland View Primary School. 

We know that we live in a busy world where new information, updates and reminders are part of our everyday lives and keeping on top of it can be tricky - When is my child’s PE day? What are they learning in Maths this term? Who do I contact if I want to talk about attendance?

Fear not! Everything you are likely to need to know can be found on our school website - day or night.

We constantly update the website to reflect what is happening in school, alongside curriculum information, how to support your child at home, and lots of information for parents (including lunches, uniform, online safety).

This month we have added two new topics - safeguarding and attendance.

Please follow the links below and have a look.




Thank you to those of you who were able to complete the parent survey last week. Every year we undertake staff, pupil and parent surveys which give us a great insight into the views of our school community. We are an ambitious and passionate team, always striving for excellence, so your data and comments will help us to continue to do this!

We have a table of lost property on the playground which we will try to keep out next week during drop-off and collection. If you are missing any items, please check and take whatever is yours. After Wednesday,  you may take any unlabelled items.


More Sport Success

You may recall recent news regarding our sporting successes this year. Well, they have continued! Please click on the link to see how our NFL American Flag Football team did at the National Finals recently…


School Blogs

For more news on what is happening in your child’s class, please check out the school blogs page at

Key dates

Today - Summer Fayre - 3.15-5pm
Monday 15th July - Year 6 Leavers Fun Event - after school for Year 6 pupils
Tuesday or Wednesday 16th July - Please provide a bag for your child to bring home their school books
Thursday 18th July - Year 6 Leavers’ Performance to parents - 10am & 6pm
Friday 19th July - Leavers Guard of Honour for Year 6 children (involving the whole school) - 3pm - all parents invited
Friday 19th July - School closes for Summer

Many thanks,
Mark Horsley