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Headteacher End of Year Message

19th July 2024.

Dear parents,

Time really does fly, and we have suddenly reached the end of another academic year. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you the pride I feel as the Headteacher of Woodland View. First and foremost, we have incredible children in our school who bring us joy every day. Our children work hard, show respect, and they are kind to others. On rare occasions when they need reminding of these key values, they respond with eagerness to improve. Every child has successfully finished their year with their current teachers and classmates; particular milestones include: our Foundation Stage children completing their first year of school; our Year 2 children completing Key Stage 1; and our Year 6 children completing their primary education and preparing to head-off to their secondary schools - all very ready to take their next step in the world!

It has been another fantastic year with many highlights: our Winter Wonderland event, launching our new school website, providing free PE Hoodies, our Performing Arts Soirée with 154 performers, a successful Parent Survey with all statements Agreed by 92% or more, our Year 6 NFL Flag Football squad finishing 3rd in Britain, a first for Northamptonshire Sport as two Year 6 Netball teams from the same school finishing 1st and 2nd in the District, internal and external providers totalling 27 Extra-curricular Club opportunities, having 24 educational trips and visitors, our Key Stage 2 SATs results being well above the national average, our school attendance being well above the national average, and, of course, being graded Outstanding by Ofsted! These are just some of our highlights - check out the school blogs for more!

Our school governors play a vital role in supporting and challenging the school through monitoring visits and attending many meetings with key staff throughout the year. We have a great blend of parents and community governors who continue to give much of their hardworking time to the school - thank you.

I would like to say a huge thank you to the Chair of our PTA, Bex Spires, and all who have helped and supported The Friends of Woodland View. They have put on a total of 19 events during the year, including: Cinema Clubs, Discos, Winter Wonderland, Summer Fair, Uniform Sales and Family Bingo. All of these events have been supported by you and raised much needed funds for the school. With the time, dedication and care of our FOWV, the children have been able to enjoy many fantastic events.

We have had 18 parent helpers and volunteers give up their time to come into school during the day to read with children, help in the library and support in classes. This has made us even stronger this year, and enabled us to provide more opportunities for the children. Also, we are fortunate to have so many caring partners in our school community, such as Reverend Nat White from the Grange Park Church, Woody’s before and after school club, Richmond Village, The Wig and Walnut and Grange Park Harvester who work so effectively with us.

I am incredibly lucky to have such a talented and committed staff team who care deeply for the children, each other and the whole school community. They are driven to give their best every day and this passion and determination is the most important reason why we are such a successful school. I would like to give special mention to our Deputy, Mrs Matsangou, Year 3 teacher, Miss Sanders, Office Assistant, Mrs Wilson, and our School Business Manager, Mrs Lynch, who have superbly completed their first full year with us and added so much to our team.

Finally, I would like to thank you all as parents, guardians and family members for supporting us throughout the year. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world and part of that challenge is putting your trust in others to help shape your child. Attending events, providing feedback, supporting school decisions, remembering reading books (records/logs/bears!) and helping with homework are just some of the ways in which you work so brilliantly in partnership with us. Thank you.

I wish you all a wonderful summer, and we look forward to welcoming the children back on Wednesday 4th September. And for all of our leaving children and parents, good luck, and remember, 
Once a Woodland Viewer, 
Always a Woodland Viewer.


Mark Horsley, 